
อ.สพ.ญ.ดร.พงษ์ศิวะ โสตถิพันธุ์

Dr.PONGSIWA SOTTHIBANDHU, D.V.M., Ph.D.(Veterinary Anatomy)

E-Mail         pongsiwa@mut.ac.th

ตำแหน่งทางบริหาร -
ตำแหน่งงาน อาจารย์ประจำ
หน่วยงาน/สาขา คณะสัตวแพทยศาสตร์
ห้องพัก R204
การศึกษา : Education
ปริญญาเอก Ph.D. (Veterinary Anatomy). Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Japan
ปริญญาโท -
ปริญญาตรี D.V.M. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand
ประวัติการทำงาน : Work Experience

ประวัติการทำงาน :

  • 2004-2006 Academic lecturer of Veterinary Histology

           Department of Veterinary Anatomy

           Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand.

  • 2006-2010 Foreign postgraduate student for Ph.D. program

           Laboratory of Veterinary Anatomy

           School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Japan

  • 2010-present Academic lecturer of Veterinary Histology

           Pre-clinical Veterinary Science Department (Histology)

           Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand.

Administrative work experience:

  • 2012-2014 Head of Pre-clinical Veterinary Science Department

           Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand.

  • 2014-2015 Assistant Dean for International Academic Relations (IAR) 

           Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand.

  • 2012-2015 Faculty's Administration Committee

           Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand.

งานวิจัย : Research

งานวิจัย ชื่อหลัก :

  • Sotthibandhu, P., Taniguchi, K. and Mutoh, K. (2010). Glycoconjugate residues in a subpopulation of feline taste cells. J. Vet Med Sci., 72 (6) : 741-746
  • Sotthibandhu, P., Taniguchi, K., Inoue, H. and Mutoh, K. (2009). The absence of taste buds in soft palate of domestic Japanese cats: Histological, immuno-histochemical and scanning electron microscopic studies. Journal of Mahanakorn Veterinary Medicine, 4: 13-19
  • Sotthibandhu, P., Taniguchi, K., Manabe, N., Hara, M. and Mutoh, K. (2009). Sweet and umami taste receptors and phospholipase C-b2 are expressed in the rat airway. 148回日本獣医学会学術集会2009926日鳥取市、鳥取大学(The 148th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Tottori, Japan)
  • Sotthibandhu, P., Taniguchi, K. and Mutoh, K. (2009). Ultrastructural variations of taste buds among lingual palatal and epiglottal papillae. 147回日本獣医学会学術集会200943 栃木県宇都宮市、総合文化センタ(The 147th  Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Utsunomiya, Japan)
  • Sotthibandhu, P., Taniguchi, K., Saito, J., Watahiki, Y., Tsujio, M., Yoshioka, K. and Mutoh, K. (2007). Scanning electron microscopic, immuno- and lectin-histochemical studies in swine gustatory papillae. The 2nd Congress of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists. Bangkok, Thailand
  • Sotthibandhu, P., Taniguchi, K., Watahiki, Y., Tsujio, M., Yoshioka, K. and Mutoh, K. (2007). Lectin histochemistry and immunohistochemistry in the feline taste budsActa Anatomica Nipponica 82 (supplement). 266


งานวิจัย ชื่อรอง :

  • Suebkhampet, A. and Sotthibandhu, P. (2011).  Effect of using aqueous crude extract from butterfly pea flowers (Clitoria ternatea L.) as a dye on animal blood smear staining. The 3rd  International Conference on Sustainable Animal Agriculture for Developing Countries (SAADC 2011). Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
  • 谷口和美、Sotthibandhu, P.,原正美、武藤顕一郎、(2010).味蕾におけるレプチン受容体と苦味蛋白質の局在の関係. 第149回日本獣医学会学術集会, 東京部、日本獣医生命科学大学(The 149th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Tokyo, Japan)
  • Taniguchi, K., Sotthibandhu, P., Hara,  M., and Mutoh, K. (2010).Sweet perception in Leptin Deficient Mice. The 3rd Meeting of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomist . Chungbuk National University, Korea
  • 三浦香奈、谷口和美、Sotthibandhu, P.,武藤顕一郎. (2009).マウスの胎盤における味覚受容体蛋白質T1Rファミリーの発現. 第148回日本獣医学会学術集会、鳥取市、鳥取大学(The 148th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Tottori, Japan)
  • 大桃遼子, 吉岡一機, 左近允巌, 辻尾祐志, 綿引芳恵, Sotthibandhu, P., 谷口和美, 武藤顕一郎. (2008). 断裂したイヌ前十字靭帯におけるAndrogen Receptorの発現 . Acta Anatomica Nipponica 83(1): p15
  • 小山真琴, 綿引芳恵, 吉岡一機, 島村俊介1), 辻尾祐志, Sotthibandhu, P., 谷口和美, 武藤顕一郎. (2008). 去勢ニワトリの鶏冠における毛細血管の形態学的変化. Acta Anatomica Nipponica 83(1): p16
  • 野尻あゆ美, 吉岡一機, 堀浩1, 辻尾祐志, 綿引芳恵, Sotthibandhu, P., 谷口和美,武藤顕一郎. . (2008). スローロリス(Nycticebus coucang coucang)における上腕腺の組織学的研究.Acta Anatomica Nipponica 83(1): p17
  • 市野瀬、吉岡一機、辻尾祐志、綿引芳恵、Sotthibandhu, P.,、谷口和美、武藤顕一郎.(2008).マウスの卵巣・子宮摘出が糖代謝に与える影響について. Acta Anatomica Nipponica 83(1): p17
  • Taniguchi, K., Yutisri, P., Nojiri, A., Sotthibandhu, P., Saito, J., Watahiki, Y., Tsujio, M., Yoshioka, K. and Mutoh, K. (2007). Immunohistochemical and Lectin Histochemical Studies on Brachial Glands of the Slow Loris. The 2nd Congress of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists. Bangkok, Thailand
  • Saito, J., Taniguchi, K., Sotthibandhu, P., Watahiki, Y., Tsujio, M., Yoshioka, K. and Mutoh, K. (2007). Comparison of Axolotl 's Taste Buds on the Cutaneous and Lingual Surfaces. The 2nd Congress of Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists. Bangkok, Thailand
  • Taniguchi, K., Yutisri, P., Prasithichai, L., Kaewkwan, S., Buddhakosai, W., Kanungpean, D., Sanisuriwong, J., Pracharoenwanich, C.,  Wattananorrasate, A.,  Sotthibandhu, P., Saito, J.,  Yoshioka, K. and Mutoh, K. (2007) Electron Microscopic Studies on Brachial Glands of the Slow Loris. The 1st  Conference Of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok Thailand.
  • Taniguchi, Kazumi, Brand, J., Taniguchi, Kazuyuki,Sotthibandhu, P., Tsujio, M., Watahiki, Y.,Yoshioka, K. and Mutoh, K. (2007) . Perinatal Development of Taste Buds and von Ebner's and Weber's Glands in the Rat.Association for Chemoreception Sciences. Sarasota , Florida
  • 森田優、吉岡一機、辻尾祐志、綿引芳恵、Sotthibandhu, P., 谷口和美、武藤顕一郎. (2007). 胆管結紮ラットの肝臓における胆管増生の雌雄差.144回日本獣医学会学術集会案(The 144th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Ebetsu, Japan)
  • 杉山直也、辻尾祐志、綿引芳恵、Sotthibandhu, P.、吉岡一機、谷口和美、武藤顕一郎. (2007).甲状腺摘出ラットの表皮に認められる雌雄差について. 144回日本獣医学会学術集会案(The 144th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Ebetsu, Japan)
  • 辻尾祐志、杉山直也、綿引芳恵、Sotthibandhu, P.、吉岡一機、谷口和美、武藤顕一郎. (2007). 甲状腺摘出がラットの毛周期に与える影響. 144回日本獣医学会学術集会案(The 144th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Ebetsu, Japan)
  • 綿引芳恵、小山真琴、吉岡一機、島村俊介、辻尾祐志、Sotthibandhu, P.、谷口和美、武藤顕一郎. (2007). 鶏冠における真皮表在層毛細血管の電子顕微鏡学的観察.  144回日本獣医学会学術集会案(The 144th Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Ebetsu, Japan)
  • 谷口和美, Sotthibandhu, P., 吉岡一機, 武藤顕一郎. (2007).ラット小唾液腺の個体発生のレクチン組織化学. 143回日本獣医学会学術集会案(The 143rd  Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Tsukuba, Japan)
  • 武藤顕一郎、藤木省志、吉岡一機、辻尾祐志、綿引芳恵、谷口和美、Sotthibandhu, P.大野秀樹、中島尚志. (2006).人為的冬眠下のクサガメChinemys reevesii膵臓における形態学的研究. 142回日本獣医学会学術集会案, 山口大学(The 142nd Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi, Japan)
  • 谷口和美、Sotthibandhu, P.,辻尾祐志、綿引芳恵、吉岡一機、武藤顕一郎. (2006). ラット胎生期における舌口蓋上皮と嗅上皮の発達. 142回日本獣医学会学術集会案, 山口大学(The 142nd Conference of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, Yamaguchi, Japan)
  • ทนงศักดิ์ มะมม; พงษ์ศิวะ โสตถิพันธุ์(2006). What's your morphological diagnosis. สัตวแพทย์มหานครสาร. 1(1) หน้า 50, 64
  • Mamom, T. Sotthibandhu, P. and Supkaew, N. (2005). Pathology of concurrent canine hepatitis and canine distemper viral infection in a dog. Abstracts of the 31st  Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Development Annual Conference, Thailand
ความเชี่ยวชาญ : Field of Expert

ความเชี่ยวชาญ :

  • In situ hybridization
  • RT-PCR
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Lectin histochemistry
  • Transmission Electron microscopy
  • Scanning Electron microscopy
อื่นๆ : Other

รางวัล :

  • The Best Young Scientist on the Second Congress of the Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists (2007)
  • Best presentation on Veterinary Anatomy and Histology of the Second Congress of the Asian Association of Veterinary Anatomists (2007)

รายวิชาที่สอน :

  •  Veterinary Histology I  
  •  Veterinary Histology II
  •  Advanced Cell biology


  •  Expression of T1R family in Mammalian airway epithelium