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Large Animal Teaching Hospital
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology
 082 218 2915
 02 988 3655, 02 988 3666 ext. 5227


Making an appointment

Make a call

Make a call and inform our veterinary team about the symptoms of your animals in order that the team assesses the symptoms, make an appointment for the physical examination, prepare the equipment and facilities needed for the treatment.

In case across the province

In case your animals are horses and cattle needed to be taken to the hospital across the province, you have to prepare the permission document issued by your Provincial Livestock Office and bring along the blood test results (if any).

On-site services

If on-site services are required, the transportation fee will be included in the treatment cost.

Estimate for your animal’s care

Once the clinician team discusses the recommended diagnostics and treatments with you, the team will inform an estimate for your animal’s care.

Surgery case

In case your animals need surgery or anaesthesia or sedation, you will be asked to fill in the written permission form.